Travel in Michigan - Febuary 2025

All eyes are on Howell to see what Woody the Woodchuck predicts for the rest of our very real Michigan winter. Meanwhile here are some ideas. Any of the Three Road Trips are perfect for a day winter of winter fun.

The podcast this month is about the Belgian Mortier Dance Organ.

Ice Cave Ice cave People Curling Lewiston Hotel Pierce Cedar Creek Pierce Cedar Creek

Planning Ahead:
We are planning trips to visit the Detroit Institute of the Arts and Dexter for next month. There is always more at

Art and craft fairs, speaking schedule and events - Click Here. Be sure to check out the Veterans event on Feb 15.

Road Trip Programs Offered for 2025. To confirm a date for your group, library or organization, click to Contact Ron .

Support small business. New shops have been added.

Michigan Back Roads Podcasts in alphabetical order.

Purchase Michigan Back Roads books online here.
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